
2025 Membership Renewal / Paypal

Pay for your Membership via PayPal
Grassfield RC Club allows you to pay your membership fees via PayPal.
PayPal will be displayed on the confirmation page after you submit your application.


Membership in Grassfield R/C Club implies and requires service to the Club.     Service includes the donation of time and energies as the need arises for club projects, maintenance and public events. Membership also requires:

• Proof of current AMA membership (applications are available from the Club and in issues of Model Aviation.)

• Completing all parts of this application form with signature of applicant and guardian for minors.

 • Adherence to both Grassfield R/C Club rules and AMA rules (indicated by signature on application).

Membership Dues:
• Open $75.00 for those 19 or older (+75.00 initiation fee for new members)
• Senior $55.00 for those 65 or older (+75.00 initiation fee for new members)
• Junior $25.00 for students 18 years and under (+25.00 initiation fee for new members)
• Spouse free with a paid open or senior membership
Make all checks payable to Grassfield R/C Club

New members need to take part in a flying check out with a club officer. We will schedule a date with all new member applicants to go over flying rules and check they are able to demonstrate a successful takeoff flight and landing before finalizing the club membership.

All information will never be shared and for Grassfield RC Club use only.

I agree to comply with the safety rules of Grassfield R/C Club and AMA: