AI Generated Poem

I asked Microsoft AI (Artificial Intelligence engine) to write me a poem about RC Airplanes
This is what it responded with
Amazing but kind of creepy I must admit

In the realm of the open sky so blue,
Where dreams take flight and hearts pursue,
There glide the RC planes, so sleek and small,
Masters of the wind, they conquer all.

With wings of foam and engines that hum,
They rise with grace, the earth they shun.
A pilot’s joy, in the palm of their hand,
Guiding their bird across the land.

Looping the loop, and barrel rolls tight,
Dancing with clouds in the soft sunlight.
Aerobatic feats, a spectacular show,
Above the fields where the wildflowers grow.

Tiny machines, with power untold,
Stories of freedom and bravery bold.
In the vast azure, they find their place,
A symbol of spirit, and human grace.

So here’s to the RC planes, in the sky so wide,
May they forever in our dreams glide.
For every flight is a journey anew,
A testament to what passion can do.

Kraig S. used AI to create video of this poem

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Author: Grassfield Admin